An expert herbalist is a click away.
We provide the first online platform to connect you to registered doctors who are experts in the ancient evidence-based science of linking signs and symptoms to herbal structures.
We use an exclusive questionnaire specifically for ancient herbal structures, which has been reviewed and refined thousands of times in an online setting across China. Each answer in our intake organises seemingly random indications into an organised pattern that aligns perfectly to a formula structure to restore natural function.
How it works
Get connected
After selecting our online consultation, you will be directed to our exclusive questionnaire where you will be asked to input your basic information. Next, select your country and location, your doctor of preference and detail your primary and secondary health concerns. We ask that you to take your time to consider each question carefully, each answer (yes-no) will create a specific structure of signs and symptoms.
In total we suggest you put 15-20 minutes aside to work through our questionnaire. You will be required to attach pictures for skin complaints and tongue diagnosis with our simple attachment function.
Formulated with incredible precision
Next we confirm and analyse each answer in detail to identify relationships and interactions of signs and symptoms and more importantly, connect these indications to ancient herbal structures with our systematic “lock and key” method.
Your preferred doctor will contact you via an HIPAA interactive text-based messaging service before the treatment strategy and formula is established and forwarded to the dispensary.
We deliver results
We then measure out and combine your individualised two-week herbal prescription in our certified dispensary in Australia, or contact our partners in the USA or UK depending on your location. Our herbs are imported directly from licensed organic farms and individually tested and certified. Each prescription will be in a powdered form for your convenience and mailed express to your door.

Our doctors are government-registered herbalists who require advanced certification in Traditional East Asian Medicine
TEAM online’s director and principle practitioner Dr. Damien Bell is committed to restoring and sharing a 3000-year-old medical science. He works in close association with our doctors to ensure the same level of excellence from each and every certified TEAM doctor.
Connect with us
We appreciate any feedback to improve our high standards of patient care and interaction with our expert Chinese doctors who are expected to provide evidence-based treatment plans in line with TEAM standards.